24 Nairn Street, Spreydon, Christchurch 8024
September news
Hi there
Spring is sprung, the grass is riz...I hope the sun doesn't melt the snow at Mt Hutt. Welcome to the first issue of the Bodyworks Massage newsletter. You'll receive one of these when we've got enough interesting information to send you and we've got time to put it all together - so it won't be weekly - may not even be monthly. It'll be, let's say - irregular! Nevertheless, we won't be spamming you, but if you don't want to hear from us, scroll to the bottom and click the link to be removed from the mailing list. Anyway - so what's happening?
Website up and running!
If you haven't checked it out yet, you can now at www.bodyworksmassage.co.nz. We'll be adding new sections over time, including a resources page, sponsorship news and research findings about massage. We'd love to hear your feedback. And if you spot any typos - please let us know. There's a gift for anyone who spots one and reports it!
You can pay by EFTPOS, credit card or plain ole cashWhen we asked you during our research survey how you'd like to pay, 72% said by EFTPOS - so you've got it. Just under half said by credit card, so you've got that option too - we accept Visa and Mastercard. Of course, folding money will always be accepted too.
Do you, or someone you know, have a lateral ankle injury, ITB syndrome, plantar fasciitis or shin splints?Then you're in luck. Sort of. While it's not so good to have any of the above conditions, we're in a better place to help you with them! Rachel recently attended the second of four weekend workshops as part of the Advanced Certificate in Sports Massage. Over the weekend all the above conditions were covered - causes as well as treatment If you want to know more about any of these conditions, you can read about them on our website. We'll be updating our news/blog page over the next few days, and we've currently got information on shin splints up. And, if you, or someone you know has any of the above conditions, book in now for a fresh look at treatment and how we can help you! ![]() Looking for a Father's Day gift?Look no further than a Bodyworks Massage gift voucher. Available for any of our services, just email us back if you'd like to organise one we'll email a personalised voucher to you to print out and give to your dad on Father's Day.
Do you want a free massage?Who doesn't love free stuff? All you need to do is refer on TWO friends (who aren't already clients) and if they book and come and see me before the end of September, your next massage is FREE. How easy is that? How can you do it? Send them a link to the website www.bodyworksmassage.co.nz or grab some business cards next time you're in. Just make sure you tell them to tell me you sent them when they come in! Why am I doing this? Because your friends and family value your opinion. They're more likely to trust me if you suggest they come and see me, than if they just got my details from somewhere else. And word-of-mouth marketing is much cheaper than most traditional forms of marketing.
That's about it for now! Until next time - take care - and keep stretching! Cheers Rachel Ah Kit |
You're receiving this email because you're a current or past client of Bodyworks Massage or because you signed up on our website. Book online now for your next appointment. Did you know, you can book up to 6 weeks ahead - so why not book your favourite time slot now?
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Posted: Thursday 2 September 2010