24 Nairn Street, Spreydon, Christchurch 8024
What to expect from your massage session

When you're ready book in for your session!
What is the massage room like?
We have three private rooms, each with a comfortable massage table, crisp linen, adjustable lighting and heating, and neutral colours. We've designed the rooms to be as relaxing as possible. We play a variety of music and you're welcome to bring your own device.
What information do you need from me?
For your first session, you need to complete a confidential case history form prior to arriving. It's important that you take the time to read through and detail any past and present medical conditions, general physical activities and any areas you are currently experiencing pain and discomfort in. The form will also help to rule out any conditions that may make the massage unsafe and will also help to individually tailor your massage to suit your needs. For follow-up sessions it's important that you tell your therapist about any changes in your health since your last session including injuries, illnesses or pain.
Why do you need to assess me?
We assess you to try to understand what is influencing your pain, discomfort or restriction. Depending on what your current problem or condition is, we may take you through some tests to check the movement or strength of a particular limb eg your shoulder or your hip. We will also palpate the area - that means we'll examine the area with our hands, while you are clothed and only with your permission. Then we'll discuss the planned treatment and get your OK to continue. It may turn out that the problem is something we're not able to treat and we'll suggest you see someone more appropriate such as an osteopath, chiropractor or physio.
What do I wear during massage?
We'll leave the room to let you get undressed and lie on the massage table. Usually you'll be asked to undress to your underwear, but if you're not comfortable removing that much clothing, please let us know and we'll adjust the treatment to suit. It's important that you're always comfortable. Lie on the table, either face up or face down (we'll tell you before we leave the room) and cover yourself up with the top sheet. Your therapist will knock to make sure you're covered before they come back into the room. You will always be covered up, for both privacy and warmth, with the only area exposed being the area we're massaging - and that will never involve "private" areas.
What happens during the massage?
This depends on the treatment plan, but we will tell you what we are doing at each stage. If you want to talk, you're welcome to - if you'd rather just keep things quiet, close your eyes and "zone out" - go for it. We will still need to check in with you regarding pressure and if we need to get you to change position and if you do nod off to sleep, we'll wake you gently! Some treatments may require you to do some movement while we're massaging too, and we will let you know before we start. If at any time you are uncomfortable, please tell your therapist.
Will it hurt during the massage?
Contrary to the belief "no pain, no gain" massage doesn't need to hurt to provide you with benefit! Relaxation massage shouldn't give you any discomfort at all, while some of the other techniques may cause you some discomfort. Some areas will be more sensitive than others as well, depending on what's happening with the muscle, so it's important that you give regular feedback to the therapist with regards to the pressure.
What happens once the massage is finished?
After your massage, the therapist will again leave the room to allow you to get off the table and get dressed. They may need to leave enough time at the end to take you through post-treatment testing, or advise you on some self-care activities. There will be a glass of water provided for you to drink afterwards. Then it's time for you to pay and rebook!
How often should I have massage therapy?
The short answer - regularly. Your massage therapist will generally suggest a treatment plan that may cover 2-3 sessions, depending on your current condition or problem. After that, we'd recommend that you come in for "maintenance" massage every 2-4 weeks. This will help keep your body in a relaxed condition. If you're a competitive sportsperson, you may opt for weekly sessions, working up to events to maintain optimum performance.