24 Nairn Street, Spreydon, Christchurch 8024

Good news and sad news this week

Good news and sad news this week
Good news - we welcome on board our new therapist Hayley Bennet! Hayley trained here in Christchurch and spent time in another clinic, before setting up her own clinic. Then circumstances changed and she wanted to come back into a clinic setting.
And there was a little serendipity involved as Hayley approached us as Rachel was about to start the hunt to find a replacement for Marama (the sad news).
Marama, who has been on the team for 3 1/2 years, is about make a career change. We'll really miss Marama - she's been a real asset to the team and has built up a strong following amongst her clients.
So, if you've seen Marama in the past, and haven't booked in for her last week (she's understandably fully booked) - then why not book in with Hayley

Posted: Tuesday 1 June 2021